Episode 5 of The Process Podcast

We have a very special guest contributing his time and expansive knowledge for our benefit today. Scott Begin, CEO and co-founder of Ideologic Group, talks about how important it is to begin your business with the end in mind.
Where do you want to go? What is your long-term vision for the role your organization will play in the world?
Scott Begin is the CEO and co-founder of Idealogic Group. In his experience, Begin has used new technologies and media to reach more than 500,000 people daily in 26 languages. He has also helped companies drive 32 percent sales growth, integrated four major business units, secured $28 million worth in grants to triple capacity.
Begin’s 35 years of experience across multiple roles and various industries brings tremendous insight and leadership to Idealogic Group, which he can bring to clients. His varied background also helps understand the needs of clients no matter what background.
-Executive Vice President of Metalwest
-CEO of the Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity
-President of Willbanks Metals
-Director of Development for Global Media Outreach
Helping businesses grow is at the heart of our company. We keep that in mind with every action we take and make it our mantra.