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How Recruiters Can Benefit From the LinkedIn Social Selling Index

by LinkedIn Marketing, Tash Tips

Chances are, you’re an aspiring recruitment agency looking to help employers find the ideal candidates to fill those vacant spots — and chances are, you’ve heard of prominent online platform LinkedIn. To be candid, there is no better-digitized resource for agency success than LinkedIn — and it is a branding tool that you should use to your complete and utter advantage.

Not only can you enlist the help of the social media website to search for candidates, but you can also use it to effortlessly find leads and fulfill your mutually beneficial dream of connecting employers and job seekers.

With over 750 million users, LinkedIn demonstrates significant potential for finding prospective clients and attaining prosperity — and TashAds is here to help you increase your reach and achieve all of your goals with the utmost dedication!

What is the Social Selling Index (SSI) on LinkedIn?

Before we proceed to discuss the social selling index on LinkedIn, it is essential to first define a buzzword that has gained immense popularity in recent times: social selling. Intended to generate immense revenue as a part of the sales process, social selling is the process of marketing your offerings and developing meaningful relationships by leveraging social media channels. 

As a recruitment agency, you can use this online platform to increase agency awareness, engage with prospective clients, and generate leads like never before! The power of the Internet is extraordinary — and it must be utilized strategically for a profusion of sales. Essentially, the key to recruiting success now lies in the hands of the long-term investment of digital marketing.

Crushing the numbers

Crushing the numbers- Picture credits Firmbee

What is the social selling index (SSI) then? Defined as a representation of the implementation of one’s social selling skills, the SSI is a free tool used to effectively examine the success and identify further opportunities for prosperity. By measuring your performance across an array of aspects, the SSI then assigns you a score on a scale of 1-25 and then adds them together for the final result. Crucial in every sense of the word, this calculation indicates whether or not you’re on track and possesses the ability to guide you in the long run. 

Harness the power of LinkedIn’s SSI today — and watch your consulting agency grow tremendously!

What are the Four Pillars of Social Selling?

If you’re a recruiter or a consultant with the fervent desire to create an engaging, exciting presence on social media and grow in consistent and creative ways, the four pillars of social selling are ideal for your agency. We’ve established that LinkedIn is a vital tool for professionals seeking to expand their networks and demonstrate their expertise for lead generation. Wondering how exactly to obtain success on LinkedIn? Go through the four interconnected pillars below and implement them in your digitized strategy to dominate social media today!

  • Establish a Professional Brand

If you wish to stand out among your competitors and retain your clients for long-term success, it is incredibly important to establish a strong brand on LinkedIn. In a society that places a heavy emphasis on branding, it is understandably imperative to present yourself professionally. 

Research showcases that 81% of buyers are more likely to gravitate toward and engage with a robust brand — so any effort you make to develop an impressive reputation and build your brand on the social media platform will go a long, long way and captivate the attention of employers seeking your services. Don’t forget to exhibit a complete, optimized profile that speaks volumes about your skill sets. 

As a recruiter, portray yourself with the utmost vigor and professionalism to positively affect client perceptions and reach new heights of success!

  • Find the Right People

In order to generate more revenue and target your ads effectively, it is significant for you to identify the right prospects. The truth is, without the correct audience, it is impossible to obtain success as a recruitment agency or consultant. According to LinkedIn-oriented research, representatives who exceed quota are 39% more likely to engage with potential clients.

Notebook work with statistics

Notebook with stats- Picture credits Lukas Blazek

  • Engage with Insights

Meaningful content, essentially, can make a massive difference. In order to lend a helping hand to others and ensure that they receive sufficient success, it is crucial to provide valuable content that reflects the needs of the prospects. At the end of the day, the goal remains to increase engagement and establish long-term relationships for the sake of long-term prosperity. 

This stat indicates that the key to desirable outcomes is having a consistent online presence and making an active effort to find people you can form solid connections with. Use LinkedIn’s search feature to cross paths with new candidates and decision-makers and regularly interact with prospects for ultimate lead generation. In essence, execute a new approach to grow like never before! 

Identifying the audience

Picture credit – Melanie Deziel

Today, 64% of buyers declare that they appreciate receiving insight to a tremendous degree — so it only makes sense that eager employers, too, will remain grateful for the expert content that you share. Truthfully, your clients will greatly benefit from high-quality and insightful posts that can be practically applied to real-life endeavors. Don’t hesitate to go the extra mile and interact with other individuals to build strong bonds. Engage with your insights by sharing and leaving elaborate comments on their post — and witness the difference yourself!

  • Build Relationships 

To be candid, the impact of strong relationships for a recruitment agency cannot be emphasized enough. For success and the attainment of considerable revenue, establish long-term bonds with current clients to generate leads in the future and grow as a consultant. In today’s day and age, there is no better way to interact with others than social media — so feel free to maximize the power of LinkedIn to make your way into the hearts of your clients.

Building relationships

Building Relationships- Photo Credit Cytonn Photography

73% of buyers gravitate toward professionals who have been referred by other individuals, indicating similar results for you as a consultant. Present your content with nothing but transparency and accuracy — and make sure that every engagement has a positive effect on the client. By establishing relationships on the foundation of trust, you can expect success to come knocking at your door. The goal remains to expand your network and fully get the word out about your services in the industry. Consistently reach out to others — and say hello to substantial growth and development!

How Can You Use the Social Selling Index to Grow?

In order to truly stand out from the crowd and thrive in exciting ways, be sure to make full use of the SSI score and pay close attention to the analysis based on each of the four pillars. Begin by logging in to your LinkedIn account to access the free tool — and proceed to make note of your social media progress in order to prosper in the future. 

Calculated on the basis of your LinkedIn engagement, the SSI offers indispensable insight and serves as a guide for your recruitment agency moving forward. You can use the compressive results to identify potential areas of improvement and determine how you can bring your agency to new heights of success today. 

Truthfully, your SSI says quite a lot about your company and digital marketing abilities. Not only does it measure and reflect just how well you’re doing on social media channels, but it also allows you to set goals for the forthcoming future and produce enhanced content that resonates with your audiences like never before. 

Understand Each Metric Carefully:

In simple words, the higher the score, the better. In order to truly understand your SSI, you must carefully examine your performance in each aspect. If your score is high in the pillar of establishing a professional brand, it indicates that you’re doing a wonderful job at communicating and interacting with prospective clients and rigorously establishing a brand that truly sticks with people. 

Additionally, if your score is high in the pillar of finding the right people, you have a solid understanding of your target audience’s needs and are prepared to use your connections to grow. Moreover, if your score is between 20-25 in the pillar of engaging with insights, it showcases that you are going out of your way to contribute valuable insights and remain ready to create meaningful bonds.


Photo Credit –Markus Winkler

Lastly, if your score is between 20-25 in the pillar of building relationships, you are then successful in terms of establishing emotional connections with your clients and engaging with them on social media platforms for benefits in the long run. 

Once you’ve thoroughly gone through the metric, thoroughly analyze your performance to see where you’ve excelled and where you could potentially improve. Carefully focus on the four pillars to identify significant opportunities for yourself. In all honesty, the SSI plays a great role in generating leads and amassing significant revenue — so make sure to use this measurement tool to rank up in the professional world. Ultimately, aim to hit 25 in each of them to thrive in monumental ways.

How Can You Improve Your SSI Score?

Needless to say, there is always room for improvement. If you wish to dominate the domain of social selling and ensure limitless success for your recruitment agency, we’re here to help! Wondering how to improve your SSI score for benefits and opportunities galore? Read below for tips that are guaranteed to bring you one step closer to your dreams.

Optimize Your Profile:

In order to establish a professional brand and get clients to consider you as the industry expert, make sure your LinkedIn profile is 100% complete. The more effort you put into professional networking, the more chances you have of generating traffic and client interest! In simple words, ensure that your account comprehensive sheds light on your services — and don’t hesitate to ask for endorsements to increase your reach. Create keyword-rich long-form posts to provide your prospects with insightful content — and add a banner photo and additional multimedia for visual enhancement! As a result, you’ll witness a sharp increase in your SSI score.

Finding the Right People:

If you wish to find the right people and master your marketing strategy, ensure that you thoroughly understand all demographic data. Use both the normal and advanced search tools to find leads and prospect profiles. 

To improve your SSI score in terms of the 2nd pillar, make an active effort to save leads and increase your profile views. How do I do that, you ask? Remain online consistently, and reach out to people whose profiles demonstrate potential to serve as the right clients for you. Analyze, analyze, and analyze!

Identifying the right people

Identifying the right people- Photo Credit
Campaign Creators

Interact, Engage and Connect:

To engage with insights effectively and increase the respective SSI score, go out of your way to interact with others as much as possible! Some ways to do so include giving and receiving more engagements, joining an abundance of groups, and sending more messages.

Today, LinkedIn is facing astonishing trends in the domains of both user activity and content engagement — so make sure to utilize the power of this social media channel to its fullest! Don’t be afraid to comment on other posts and reach out to individuals to expand your network and increase brand awareness. 

Nurture Relationships:

If you’re looking to form relationships stronger than ever before, take your time to establish meaningful bonds — and make full use of your LinkedIn connections! To increase your score to great degrees, be selective with the people you choose to bond with.

Specifically, target internal connections to form quick relationships with people you’ve known for ages while also aiming to contact powerful connections to learn tremendously from industry leaders and develop as a recruitment agency. At the end of the day, the goal is to have a high acceptance rate for the requests you’ve sent.

Get in Touch With TashAds:

Are you in need of assistance pertaining to social selling? Do you wish to generate leads for impressive growth and development? TashAds is here to fulfill all of your needs and desires! Our digital marketing gurus specialize in the vast depths of LinkedIn.

We assure you that our tried-and-tested, professional methods increase content engagement and bring a consistent pipeline of fresh leads every month — and before you know it, you’ll be acquiring immense revenue and receiving an overwhelming number of new clients to form connections with! Essentially, our goal is to generate leads in the present and sustain your success in the long run. 

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