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Starting a Kickass Recruitment Marketing Newsletter: The Ultimate Guide

by LinkedIn Marketing, Tash Tips

In today’s job market, it’s more important than ever for recruiters to have a newsletter. A newsletter is an excellent way to keep your name in front of potential candidates, and it can also help you build relationships with candidates.

For recruiters who are looking to build relationships with potential candidates, starting an email newsletter is a great way to do so. Not only will you be able to share your latest news and vacancies with a wider audience, but you’ll also be able to show off your company’s personality and build trust.

Why Should Recruiters Use Email Marketing?

Here’s a stat that’s guaranteed to blow your mind. If you have 2,000 email subscribers, 2,000 Twitter followers, and 2,000 Facebook fans…

Then on average:

  • 435 subscribers will open your email
  • 40 followers will see your tweet
  • 120 fans will see your Facebook post 

Unbelievable, right? Contrary to popular belief, emails are still the #1 marketing tool for all of you recruiters. Social media is great and all, but email marketing guarantees a much wider reach. Trust us on this one. 

Recruitment newsletter

Image credits: Pixabay

As a recruiter, you’re always looking for ways to boost candidate engagement levels and acquire business for your firm. And by utilizing the power of email marketing, you can do all that and more…oh-so effortlessly. 

Think of it this way. Not only will these newsletters allow you to stay in touch with past candidates, but they’ll also let you showcase your incredible expertise. This is your chance to show the world what you’re all about.

In order to reap all of these fantastic benefits, all you need to do is iron out your newsletter strategy…and we’re here to help you do just that. Want to learn the secrets to creating recruitment emails that candidates just can’t look away from? Here’s everything you need to know.

What Are Some Interesting Content Ideas for Recruiting Newsletters?

To kick things off, let’s discuss what exactly it is you will write about. Content curation is a major aspect of email marketing, and it’s important that you create newsletters that are both engaging and valuable. 

Need some inspiration? Consider including the following in your emails:

  • Job offers

social sharing feature

Image credits: Pixabay

Chances are, your past candidates might be looking for some exciting job opportunities. If so, this is your time to shine! Tailor your newsletters to provide these job seekers with offers relevant to them and their skillset. If you’ve been searching left, right, and center for the perfect hires to fill your open job positions, this is the solution to all of your problems. 

  • Company news

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that the world is constantly changing. That means it’s important for you to keep your candidates in the loop at all times. Basically, you need to update them on the latest happenings and also discuss your hiring priorities. By doing so, you’ll help them understand where your company is currently at and assess if they’ll be a good fit. 

  • Event recaps 

One of the most impactful recruitment marketing strategies is a good old event recap. Seriously. Everyone loves to have a little fun, and sharing these recaps in your newsletters will give candidates a little taste of the company culture. From beach cleanups to affinity groups to Christmas parties, there’s so much for you to talk about. Be sure to include something that contains the true essence of the company.

  • Employee testimonials  

Testimonials are the key to building trust. And building trust, as we all know, is the key to succeeding as a recruiter. So as you create your emails, consider adding employee-generated testimonials to give candidates a reason to apply. And don’t just include it in written form. Add professional, engaging videos that compel the viewers from the get-go. It’ll work like a charm. 

It’s the era of social media and digitalization…so why not make full use of it? By adding social sharing buttons in your email campaigns, you’re pretty much signing yourself up for a wider, greater reach. Having your content promoted to enormous audiences across multiple platforms lets you generate more leads than ever before. 

What Are Some Pointers to Keep In Mind When Creating a Recruitment Newsletter?

Now that you have a better idea of the sort of content you’re supposed to include let’s discuss some ways to capture your audience’s attention. These tips are guaranteed to leave your candidates in absolute awe. 

Let’s just cut right to the chase. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Write a Good Subject Line

The first impression is the last impression. It sounds cliché, but it’s actually true. If you wanna make sure your candidates actually open and read your email, you need to come up with the perfect subject line. And in order to do that, you need to be as clear, concise, and creative as possible. Entice your audience with the exciting, relevant content that’s in store for them. This way, they won’t be able to resist. 

  • Include a Call-To-Action

Everything has a purpose. Your recruitment newsletters, too, are being created and sent for a reason. And the easiest way to accomplish this goal is to include a clear call-to-action (CTA) at the end of the email. Your readers need to know what exactly it is they’re meant to do, and engaging with this CTA will guide them in the right direction. 

 P.S. Don’t include too many CTAs. The last thing we want is to overwhelm our readers.

  • Focus On Branding and Formatting

Visual appeal goes a long, long way. As you create exciting content for your viewers, you also want to present it in a way that lets the beauty of your brand shine. That means including things like the logo and some team photos. On top of that, make sure you avoid large chunks of text and add consistency to the format. It’ll make all the difference in the world. 

Email layout

Image credits: Unsplash

And there you have it. We hope our email newsletter guide has prepared you to embark on this exhilarating new journey. The next step is to simply open your email list and hit that send button!

A good recruitment marketing newsletter can do wonders. 

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You come to us, of course.

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